Agree, that perception is gold standard of true reality.
I just wish to inform you that there is another level of perception where the person who is having that perception also gets dissolved into the perception. This is ultimate experience of Reality, as Jiddu Krishnamoorthi says “The observer is observed”.
The person having such experience remains aware during sleep too, remains awake during dreams and comes out of it if anything impossible happens in it or can put full stop to dreams at will because he knows that what he is watching is a dream. This is the only test. Awareness becomes our nature 24x7.
If you are having such experiences too, then there is no need to do anything, but if not then I suggest you to practice awareness meditation as it helps in dropping the ego by itself. From my experience I can say that : In the intense meditative state the ego drops by itself and the coincidence of no-mind with no-ego brings that experience to happen.
Best wishes.