Awareness meditation is simplest meditation.
While reading a book of Osho, I came to know first time about Awareness meditation as demonstrated by Buddha.
I immediately started experimenting it during brushing my teeth in the morning, as that is only act where I remain undisturbed by any other. It is miraculous! This practice of awareness, if continued over a period of time, of body automatically helps in being aware of our thoughts and emotions.
Before this meditation I used to think about my breakfast or meal or office etc but I was not present in that very act! This happened with all other acts too. So by practicing this meditation we slowly learn to remain present in our act within out any thoughts about past or future. This first experience of no-thought moment during any act grows our inner wisdom to remain aware during our thoughts!
Then I started applying it during other acts of routine too. And I found the key to save lots of my energy and instead started enjoying them! I even applied it during sensual acts! The results encouraged me to perform more and more of work in hand remaining in present and so even my job becomes a great source of enjoyment! I started returning from office as if a kid returns home after playing.
Buddha says anything that is virtue is going to increase automatically if performed with awareness, and everything that is sin, if performed fully aware during that act, will drop automatically.
A: It is important to understand because all the teachers of meditation in the world have
. been telling you that you have to keep a separate time for meditation. Mohammedans have to meditate five times in the day. Five times they have to close their shops, their businesses if they are real Mohammedans.
My approach about meditation is totally different. I do not say to you that you have to shut down.
But this is absolutely impractical. If the man is driving a railway train, or flying an aeroplane, and he has to stop five times, this is not going to be meditation, this is going to be a massacre! to have a separate time for meditation.
Meditation has to be just like breathing – you don’t have a separate time for it, that in the morning you breathe and then you go to your business and forget breathing. You go on doing your things, and breathing continues.
Meditation has to be something like that, that it runs like an undercurrent in your all activities of the day. I will suggest you a very simple meditation. Whatever you are doing – you may be digging a hole in the earth, planting new rosebushes in your garden, working in your shop, or fighting a case in the court – it does not matter what you are doing. Do it consciously, do it with full awareness.
I will tell you what I mean by it.
Once Buddha was passing in Shrivasti with his dearest disciple, Ananda. A fly came and sat on his forehead. Just as we will do, he simply waved his hand and the fly was gone.
Then he stopped, and took his hand very carefully, very consciously. The fly was no more there, and he waved his hand with great grace.
Ananda could not understand what is happening. He said, “You have the fly few minutes before, and
. it is gone. Now what are you doing?”
And Buddha said, “That time I did it wrong. I did it without awareness. I continued to talk to you, and mechanically I simply waved my hand without being conscious of what I am doing. Now I am doing it as I should have done in the first place, to remind me that it does
not happen again.”
Any action done with awareness becomes meditation.
In the beginning it will be difficult, you will go on forgetting again and again. But don’t be discouraged. Even if in twenty four hours you can manage for twenty four seconds, that is more than enough. Because the secret is the same.
If you can manage it for one second, you know the key. You know the knack. Then it is only a question of time.
Slowly, slowly, you will be having bigger gaps when you are aware. The action continues; not only it continues, it becomes better than ever before; because now you ar
e doing with such consciousness.
Its quality changes, because you are conscious, you are totally there. Your intensity changes, your insight, your understanding; and the action that you are doing starts having a grace of its own.
Meditation should be slowly spread all over your life. Even while going to sleep, lying down on your bed, it will take few minutes for you to go to sleep. Those few minutes be alert,
of the silence, of the darkness, of the relaxed body. Remain alert as sleep starts descending on
you, till you are completely overwhelmed by the sleep, and you will be surprised that if you had continued to the very last moment when sleep took over you, in the morning the first thought will be again of awareness; because whatever is the last thought before you go to sleep is always the first thought in the morning when you wake up. Because it continues as an undercurrent in your sleep.
You cannot find time, nobody has time. The day is so full. But six or eight hours in the night can be transformed into meditation. Even a Buddha will feel jealous of you. Even he cannot meditate eight hours. It is simply an intelligent effort to transform your sleep.
You are taking a shower. Why not take it with awareness.
Why take it mechanically? Just doing like a robot, because you have been doing it every day, so you go on doing it and it becomes
mechanical. Do everything non-mechanically, and slowly, slowly meditation will not be a question that it needs separate time. It becomes spread all over your day, twenty four hours.
Then only you are on the right track. (So as to enter the kingdom of God one day)
The people who meditate ten minutes in the morning, are not going to gain much.
Because ten minutes of meditation, and twenty four hours against it, how you are going to win?
You have to put twenty four hours of meditation against twenty four hours of ordinary life.
Then there is absolute guarantee that success is going to be yours. (Source:The Testament, Vol #5, Chapter #22, by Osho. Location : Kathmandu, Nepal).
In the childhood every child lives 24x7 fully aware. This is why it is called lost awareness, but you can regain it too. You already have its experience in subconscious mind. Jesus said that only those who are ‘child like’ will enter the kingdom of God. This meditation helps you in regaining it and becoming child like.
My favourite meditation that I am practicing last 35 years is Awareness/Mindfulness Meditation during brushing my teeth. Earlier it was a robotic act and I used to think about past or future act/activity/instances etc. By being totally aware during brushing feeling it’s abrasion on every tooth, coupled with sensation of paste etc all thoughts slowly got dissolved and only present moment remained. Miraculous it is, as it engrossed all my activities over the period of time.
If you find difficulty in aware then you need some techniques to let it happen.
A YouTube video too is there to describe awareness in a better way.