Being a human is such a blessing that you need not have to even assert “that there’s a meta-verse that is (a physical) infinite that would defeat the law of Entropy as Entropy only applies to Closed System or man made system”. (Even entropy is man made.)
You can actually experience it, which happens when one gets enlightened or awakened or as Jesus called end of the dark night of the soul and you enter the kingdom of God as a king.
If I wish to be more accurate about it than I would like to say that ‘You are going to experience it……’ every human being is destined to discover it within one day for sure. In this life it is going to happen or not? is the choice upon you.
It was laying within from the time you took birth as human being. We have enjoyed & lived that ecstatic, carefree & blissful life too, in this life itself, till the age before secretion of hormones begins.
We have just forgotten it due to worldly desires and attractions. The moment you find it again, it feels like how I could even forgot it? It was here always! The experience is just like when we find the lost keys of our house.
Mystics all over the world agree that the biggest hurdle to this self discovery is our mind. Meditation is the way to attain no-mind state. The moment you attain intense no-mind state that you are able to touch the centre of your being, the No-mind state coincide with no-ego state and you get enlightened. Ego is a pseudo entity created by our mind, on our death actually our ego dies, our centre of being is immortal, infinite and eternal. I call it a seed within.
You may like to visit My linktree for more from my experiences in this inner journey till date. Jesus tried hard to teach meditation to his disciples before being caught: St John’s Gospel. He used word SIT for meditation. Even today Zen people use this word in their ‘SIT silently, do nothing season comes and the grass grows by itself green’.
A YouTube video to describe it in short,
And a post for you