By observing the ego it will get dissolved on its own because it doesn’t exist. There are three types of observations 1) Observing body and its actions while they are being performed, being present totally in that moment, initially for few moments a day only. I did during brushing for 32 years, just be fully involved, feel each movement of brush, it’s sense with paste’s taste etc. I used to keep thinking about past or future and act became totally robotic. Then comes observing the thoughts ie mind. Then comes observing the emotions, this is very subtle observation but anyone can have it by birth too.
My personal opinion is that this is true religion because religion is personal journey at least after one is free from family and societal responsibilities. Just remain in society but give more attention and time for self spiritual journey ie personal religion. Everyone has to travel this journey as it is the ultimate destiny of all human beings- said mystics of all religions and countries.