Chuang Tzu said ‘A perfect man is like an empty boat.’
As per my experience, when we enter the world, study, job, raising family and achieving success in material life is like taking boat from one end to another.
Then dumping all success, knowledge and experience, that had helped only in consolidating our ego, on that shore itself and again with empty boat begin journey towards HOME gathering spiritual knowledge, practically applying them and gaining real wealth of wisdom.
My suggestion is: while taking boat from this end to the other end just keep an eye on this shore too by regular meditation – i preferred awareness and Zen from Osho’s 112 meditations. This is enough and you will come back on your own. There is no need of anything or anyone else as it is your very personal journey. If you seek help then there is big market out there for it.
Osho in his hand written letter to Mr Thakur too said something similar.
Sagar University
Noon, 25 July 1956
Dear Thakur,
Was happy to receive your letter. I was worried about you and wanted to know your whereabouts. I had asked Madhu but even Madhu had no idea.
What makes you think that a distance lurks between us? On man’s mental frame, distance does not depend on space lying between two different points on the earth. In other words geographical distance bears no meaning. It actually depends upon the mind and its concern. We can be far distant, yet close; and we can be together, yet not close.
You have written about achieving success and attaining your goal. If hope and an incessant effort lights one’s path, one need not go anywhere in the search of success. It is like a moth that comes to the flame of effort on its own… Therefore, success should not be the goal, but an untiring effort alone.
Personally, I feel that effort itself is the attainment and unflinching step the goal.
I was sincerely hoping you to come back here after the summer vacation. Now wherever you are, I wish and pray that you can put all your heart and soul in whatever is your goal. In life always, keep an eye towards ‘God’. That will give you light constantly I have informed Madhu and Burman about you.
Your very own,
Hindi manuscript below:
Kabir also said
‘कबीर बड़ी बादूरी करी, पुस्तक देई बहाई।
बावन आखर सोधी करी, रगे मां ‘मैं’ चित्त लाई।।’
For more on. Chuang Tzu’s. Empty Boat metaphor.