
These are signs that with totally dedicated effort and true thirst towards seeking the self, if one learns and experiment with himself/herself then one may get spiritually awakened soon. But no guarantee can be given because it happens by the grace of God only. It is continuously showering upon everyone, through meditation we tune ourself to be able to receive it. Everyone will receive its ultimate experience or bliss or ecstasy in a very unique way never before happened and never afterwards will happen to anyone in eternity. This uniqueness was wrongly applied by mind on body becomes Ego. So the moment one receives it, his ego gets dissolved and mind stops forever. This is called as ‘Entering the Kingdom of God- by Jesus’. Blessings and best wishes.

First of all spiritual awakening is the ultimate achievement by any human being. So using ‘warning signs’ with it should be avoided. Spiritual awakening is looking at naked truth -’Truth that liberates-said Jesus’- as it is through eyes. Eyes gets wide open and you loose your identity in that moment and get dissolved with it. This is called as ‘The overseer is observed- by J Krishnamoorthi’. In one moment transformation happens and you are no more the same person. These signs are visible in an awakened person but they are expression of a person from totally different realm than normal human being. So these signs could not confirm that one is awakened. A film actor can better act than really awakened person but the mental state decides it.



Sandeep Kumar Verma
Sandeep Kumar Verma

Written by Sandeep Kumar Verma

Spiritual seeker conveying own experiences. Ego is only an absence, like darkness, bring in the lamp_awareness&BeA.LightUntoYourself. https://linktr.ee/Joshuto

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