Geeta needs to be lived this I learned after reading it 8 times in my life one ‘shloka a day with commentary by Ramsukhdasji’. It took about 20-40 minutes a day for 20 years including interruptions. I prepared notes about what I learned from it and experimented in my daily social family life during my 7th reading and then in last reading with experiments all through pervious years I learned what was needed and there after it is lived everyday. My link tree account to learn more from my experiences. It is such a book that it’s teaching can be moulded to write book in any topic but actually it is not made for it.(Period)
It is about your personal internal journey to find your lost soul within so that at the time of death you could leave your body as we throw things in garbage box after utilising it fully. It is how you die that decides your success in your life, and not how you lived.