I quote “I have more questions than answers in this case, but one thing became crystal clear to me — quantum mysticism as it is presented by its proponents is a verifiable bullshit.”
My sincere thanks for your efforts in creating this post. I got answer of one existential question from this post. As far as quantum mysticism is concerned I hope that proving of the world as unreal will help you think again about it.
With reference to ‘winger’s friend’ I can say that the perception of the observer about the outcome to be 0/1 even before the observation can be taken as part that can be treated as ‘Quantum Mysticism’ accepted by Wigner.
Buddha says that the world is true ly ruled by the enlightened ones. This can mean that whatever is happening today was first of all perceived by enlightened ones and so all others (unenlightened ones) start acting to get it fulfilled like a robot but thinking that it is their own decision! Lao Tzu too says that the king get his will fulfilled in such a way that people may keep its ownership with them.