I started reading a Book titled ‘Selected Verses of Quran’ after I came to know two about two verses of it. One from Mansoor Al Hillaaj, that he recited before his tongue was going to be cut in the process of his death penalty by cutting his head. It’s meaning that I understood as :- “There are people who say everyday why the day of judgement does not come? It must come early. And there are people who know that that day is today.”
Another is written in Hatia Sofia mosque, it’s meaning according to me is “The light like star is on an olive tree that is neither in the east nor in the west. And according to my interpretations that tree is human being that is living in present moment, and not worrying about past and future. In that human being’s heart that light is twinkling like star that we can see from our ECG!”
So both the messages are very profound conveying to human being that they need to live here-now on day to day basis. All worries about future ie East, and Past ie west is not going to help but the work in hand in present moment is sure going to lay solid foundation for the next moment. This way rest assured of good future, if we are laying right foundation every day.