I worked strictly 9-5 job and rest of the time is given to family. Enjoyed my work with totality as if it is my last day on this planet. Never cared for my Annual Appraisal so never got promoted too, because God is writing my appraisal and he is still doing justice with me. Living peaceful life and taken care of by my kids for all necessary things and little medications. My kids ask me whether they get kids like them to take care in their old age?
So I replied, ‘If you work with totality, remain authentic in your life and your work includes it’s reward as contentment then you need not have to worry about future. Future exists not! Past exists not so never worry about past or past deeds! You die with every exhalation and are newly born with every breath in.
It is only present moment that is in your hand, moment to moment enjoying it is like laying foundation for the future. So if present 🎁 is precious for you then future is sure going to be far more precious.
My posts for more to know how awareness meditation helped me in living life as true Buddhist/Jauna cum Hindu cum Muslim cum Christian.