Kabir te Ching – Introduction – 2

Whatever will be written is vetted by my own experience only, except nirvaana. It is my own experience from practically applying Osho’s teachings in my family life over a span of about 30 years.

Sandeep Kumar Verma
2 min readDec 9, 2019

Kabir is a ‘Bhakti marg’ (path of prayer) bsaint where surrender comes first and then meditative state attained as by product at the end. I

What comes automatically has more impact on in teachings of few saints like Kabir.

Laozi too seems to be ‘Jnan marg’ (path of knowledge) where nirvaana or salvation/awakening happens through knowledge from everyone or all available sources the meditative state is attained first and then surrender happens automatically leading to nirvaana. So they start talking about Love, Compassion and surrender etc Like with Buddha, Osho etc just before nirvaana.

So those teachings of Kabir after enlightenment will be helpful to understand Tao and those teachings of Buddha after his enlightenment will be helpful to understand Kabir.

One mystic ‘Ashtavakra’ whose ‘Maha Geeta’ most referred by ‘Jnana marg’ followers too have some insightful messages that may be helpful understand Tao. Osho talked at length on all these mystics and his version seems to me as most authentic, one for seekers of unorganised path, so in light of those teachings my comparison is basically based upon.

Another thing worth understanding is that in India there was fully developed or described methodology available for spiritual journey through both ‘Bhakti marg’. Bhakti marg was and is mostly part of organised religion and only few ‘Casts’ in India Allowed to enter into it. ‘Jnana marg’ remained and still continuing mostly for lower caste people or among masters of South India and one’s own effort is required.

So Jnana marg is suitable for people of lower casts, in India as they have no other options, and for those who are living family life.

Meera is exception to Bhakti marg mystic and Kabir is exception, of belonging to lower cast, to Bhakti marg. May be due to grace of their masters as they had seen spark in them.

Osho too added a feather to this exception list by Organising and systematised the unorganised ‘Jnana marg’, making available a commune where like minded individuals can live together for few days ( this definitely give a boost to individual seekers that was available to seekers of ‘Bhakti marg’ ) and opening it to foreigners or for people of all other religions too. For such disciples Osho gave a tinge of traditional wisdom of great Indian known mystics or unknown or forgotten one, hence giving life to their teachings too. So that it may be of help for someone in future.



Sandeep Kumar Verma
Sandeep Kumar Verma

Written by Sandeep Kumar Verma

Spiritual seeker conveying own experiences. Ego is only an absence, like darkness, bring in the lamp_awareness&BeA.LightUntoYourself. https://linktr.ee/Joshuto

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