Klein Bottle is modern Wisdom Snake
In Egypt mystics devices Wisdom Snake to depict enlightenment.
A person’s consciousness keeps moving outside in a straight line. It seldom reaches to itself to complete the circle. When it reaches to itself the intersection is called as enlightenment.
Klein Bottle can be treated as modern and best suited metaphor that can be used for enlightenment and hence it helps one in understanding it better because it’s inside is also its outside.
Only through meditation we can make our consciousness to take a U- turn and turn to itself. A single step taken to move inwards is going to give us great rewards. Only human being is bestowed with this capacity. So we must being experimenting with ourself because there is no other way. It is not objective science that others experience is going to help us rather it is subjective science.
Our ego separates us from the world. We treat the world as outside of us and ourself as inside as our mind or thinking. Zen people discovered the Koan -’The goose is in’ to create great doubt in their disciples. The disciple has to search for the answer of it by meditating upon it.
The Koan is ‘A Zen mystic kept a newly born goose inside a bottle. Then he kept feeding it from outside and over period of time it’s size increased to touch inside of Bottle from everywhere. The mystic wants to take the grown up goose out but the bottle must remain intact.
Answer of this Koan is that the goose was never in, it is outside always. So we can say that the goose was inside and outside both. We are mistakenly treating the outside and inside as different. The duality cease to exist when the consciousness pierce itself.
Klein bottle is made when two opposite edges of a rectangular sheet are joined to make a pipe and one round edge at one end of a pipe is joined by piercing the pipe itself to join other round edge of the pipe.
This way the outside and inside becomes one and duality ceases to exist for this bottle. In case of enlightened person he becomes like a Klein bottle and the goose that he was thinking inside was outside too at the same time. This paradox becomes clear to him now.
Oneness is experienced only when whatever is understood as in starts seeing as outside too. Infinite becomes ego that included everyone now or it becomes zero and the emptiness of inside is experienced outside too.
Awareness meditation is the way worked for me, may be you too find it suitable otherwise Dynamic meditation is for most of the people. There are 110 other meditation techniques discovered by Indian Mystic Gorakhnath about 500years before and further modified by Osho that one can experiment and the suitable one could be practiced in routine life.
Osho International Online (OIO) provides facility to learn these from your home, through Osho Meditation Day @€20.00 per person. OIO rotate times through three timezones NY,Berlin and Mumbai. You can prebook according to the convenient time for you.
Osho International Online (OIO) provides facility to learn these from your home,
1. through Osho Meditation Day @€20.00 per person. OIO rotate times through three timezones NY,Berlin and Mumbai. You can prebook according to the convenient time for you.
2. There is OSHO Evening Meeting streaming which can be accessed every day at local time starting 6:40 pm (of which Osho says that he wants his people to view it all over the world and these days it is possible) and 16 of the meditations mostly with video instructions and so much more on OSHO.com/meditate.
3. There is a 7 days Free Trial also for people who would like to first try it out.
This is an opportunity for learning and knowing Osho through these sannyasins who lived in his presence and brought to life his words in best possible quality in all formats.
Disciples of Jesus left him alone in last minutes but Osho’s disciples remained with him till he left his body willingly after working, till last day, for all of us to get enlightened. Jesus tried hard till last minute, before being caught, to teach meditation to his disciples. As per Saint John’s Gospel:- Jesus used word ‘Sit’ to transfer his meditative energy to them and went on to pray God, but on returning he found them sleeping. He tried two times again but in vain.
Even today Zen people use word ‘Sit’ for meditation in their saying ‘Sit silently, do nothing, season comes and the grass grows by itself green’.
Hi ….. I write my comments from my personal experiences of my inner journey. This post may include teachings of Mystics around the world that I found worth following even today. For more about me and to connect with me on social media platforms, have a look at my linktree website for connecting with my social media links, or subscribe my YouTube channel and/or listen to the podcasts etc.
Originally published at http://philosia.in on October 16, 2022.