Mind is a bad master and it’s best use is to use it as a slave. Life is journey that begins with mnd acting as our master, and in my opinion the sole purpose of life is -how to make mind as your slave. Meditation or awareness or midfulness is helpful in first experience of a state of no-mind. By going beyond it or by transcending the mind we can use it as a slave.
Then you enter the kingdom of God as a King says Jesus. The dark night of the soul is living life under control of our mind.
Mind takes you in the future or in thr past but never let you enjoy the present moment. Which is really precious present 🎁 to us by God. Try to enjoy nature watching the trees dancing, listening to the sing of birds etc and not defining it or that experience. Just become a driftwood with the nature’s current. This way you will start going away from the mind and move towards your centre of being ie no-mind ie Kingdom of God within.
Hope you will find few of my posts , from my personal experiences of transcending mind, worth helpful in your journey to transcend mind. Mystics says that while living, enjoying material life, we need to take baby steps towards our centre of being too. It is like flying like a bird using two wings.