Practicing ‘Forgiveness’ brings one near to his soul/consciousness/true-self etc.
Once ‘the truth’- that liberates, as Jesus said – is revealed to anyone then it becomes your nature and neither effort is required nor practicing it is needed.
To find the truth one needs to embark upon spiritual journey within and meditation is the tool for it. Meditation coupled with forgiveness is best combination. During our early life 90:10 ratio of your time/resources etc for fulfilling material world: spiritual world needs. Once self sufficiency and social responsibility are near about over switch to 10:90 ratio of time and resources for material needs/world : spiritual or inner journey.
It is based on my own experience and greatly successful.
My choicest one that i practiced during brushing for 30+ years. Just totally involved myself during brushing by feeling sensation of paste and movement of brush with no thoughts about past and future act/activity/daily routine etc.¬if_t=feedback_reaction_generic