Indian’s Ram Rajya and Jesus’s ‘Kingdom of God’ – from sameness point of view.
In my personal opinion:
Ram is coined by an Indian mystic as recitation of ॐ or Omkar word all the day is not possible. Recitation or continuous remembrance or as Buddha called it right mindfulness (Samyak smriti) is a must because it brings a persons attention on himself/herself. As soon as the other comes into mind, the mind starts talking verbally or mentally. If there is no other in your mind then you are living in present or living in kingdom of God or living in RamRajya means Kingdom of ॐ. The other brings you into this world or a writer called it ‘the other is hell’.
I practiced awareness meditation cited above in link, to bring me into ‘right mindfulness’ state for few minutes per day, at least.
Becoming a Buddha means remaining in 24x7 in this state or living in RamRajya or living in kingdom of God 24x7. Through recitation of Ram a similar sound generates that creates equal/similar effect on person reciting ॐ. May be after 1000 years of this discovery of word Ram, king Dashrath used it as a name for his eldest son. So there is no connection between Ramrajya or Kingdom of God and King Ram’s rule after he arrived at Ayodhya.Mystic Nanak and Mystic Kabir called it as ‘Naam’ to clarify it as different from the King Ram. Everyone enters as a King of this inner kingdom of God or inner RamRajya and before entering he/she becomes fearless. It is available to everyone but one has to carry his own cross to enter into it. Right mindfulness is the first and most important key to it. People were so fascinated by this discovery that they used this word to salute even unknown person.
Why recitation is needed? Once a person attains 7th rug of the ladder or reached 7th Chakra of body in his/her spiritual journey it is needed to get dissolved with God/Cosmic-consciousness. Once dissolved then person cannot come back to his/her body form however the body can be used for helping people in their spiritual journey. Even it is necessary to leave body at will because one is already living at centre, just the cloths (body) needed to be removed.
After leaving body they. continue to help people in their spiritual journey irrespective of location, country, colour, culture, lineage etc.
So one needs to put in dedicated effort to keep this remembrance that this visible and invisible world is Kingdom of God, and the seeker is performing every act for God’s happiness. With attitude of gratitude that he/she is given this opportunity. The body and all other visible things, people etc are part of a grand drama that is beyond his/her understanding. This way call it Ram Rajya or Kingdom of God, it is same. Osho said that the Sakshi/Witness/Drishta will be one who is able to see both 1) Kingdom of God and 2) Whole visible world including his/her own body at time as a drama played on a grand stage with the person executing his/her role as infinitesimal part of this infinite and eternal play/drama.
So when we are doing any act, why not dedicate it to God and immediately for those moments you enter into the Kingdom of God or doing service to Ramam by living in Ramarajya. The controller of that kingdom is invisible and easily forgive our every sin, just by accepting them. Why not work for him too, at the same time working for our company/family/government etc.