The truth cannot be explained, defined etc. How infinite can be expressed in finite words?
Truth can only be experienced. Experiencing truth or ‘seeing reality’ or ‘Philosia moment’ in life, is termed as solving the mystery of life. Those who are able to solve it are called as Mystics. Every mystic find difficulty in describing it and the nearest possible description becomes paradoxical- as in your case here. Here you are assuming it, while the one who experiences it say it with confidence.
As per my experience : We live in time and timelessness simultaneously. We exist and do not exist simultaneously. If an atom represent quantum behaviour than we are just a bunch of those atoms!
If we are involved fully in any act, we enter into timelessness and so we can say that for that period we ceased to exist. Not that we become invisible to others, but even they notice that we are not same but being deeply involved or became more beautiful, more loving etc. Truth, beauty and love are interchangeable.
In my life it happened that after becoming graduate i went to the municipal office to practice as structural engineer for buildings. That time, even now too, bribery is common to get your designed passed by the officials. So I applied but during whole day i was thinking about how I am going to get my design approved without bribe? Later I got selected in Government job and got posting as design engineer too. So I can conclude it, taking clues from your excellent article above, as ‘The moment I was in dilemma (due to putting my pure heart and honesty at stake because there was no other option available in that moment) I entered timelessness and so my quantum entanglement with the examiner of my paper, who was giving markes to me or going to give marks to me, I got better marks and got selected. But this information reached to me after 4 months! So in a way I was able to write my past. But this can happen with only those who are pure at heart, honest and authentic persons. Only such people are able to experience or transcend between time and timelessness.
As such there exist no past and no future, if the person learns living only in present moment. We are infinite and timeless by default, but we have forgot our blissful state, the moment we discover it again we get transformed for ever. A blog post for more.
My linktree in bio for more from my experiences.