Very well described. If it is your own revelation then you are just at border of getting enlightened. This is the first step that is already taken. Any drop received from beyond on its own experience and knowledge is nectar. Very few people are capable of receiving it. No-ego state cannot be achieved by effort it happens on its own, in those moments if no-mind state is also coincides then only one is capable of receiving such drops. Meditation helps in increasing duration of no-mind state so much so that every act becomes full of awareness (a kind of meditation). So we can just increase the chances of happening or achieving the rarest of rare state. Once it stays for few moments then it is called ‘Satori’ ie germination of enlightenment. The seed has broken its walls of materialism and capable of looking into the beyond ie consciousness. We are actually consciousness and not the body. This body is like horizon where it seems that the Earth meets with the Sky. Actually you may keep running towards it but you will never find it. You will always find the Earth while the Sky is available here and now-but is not visible here is the reason. Meditation helps in stopping the race. My most favourite meditation is as per link:¬if_t=feedback_reaction_generic