Sandeep Kumar Verma
2 min readSep 13, 2020


You gave very clear definition of present moment. It is very helpful for me in furthering my journey. Very well written. It is my experience that when you try to understand anything then the moment it clicks in your mind is the moment you entered into your no-ego coupled with no-mind state. That mysterious state has connection with the beyond or reality or no-self and from there it percolates into your mind.

Practicing meditation helps you to bring to a state of no-mind. Anyone can begin with just 2 min everyday. Practicing just 2min a day (not necessary daily) over a long period (years) will let it engross in all your activities.

No-ego state cannot be forced but it happens on its own ie Wu-Wei-Wu or effortless effort. The first time it may happen looking at someone’s eyes or a falling leaf or Brocken earthen pot as quoted by various mystiques. Then a glimpse happens on its own without support of the other this is called ‘Satori’. Then you are no more the same person. Then finally you fall into your being but before that one has to prepare his mindset to leave this body to know it ie death. The world is cyclical projection of ‘being’. All are connected to that being, once I know mine then everyone’s is known already. It is empty, infinite and eternal but is projected as continuum like a movie. This empty space around us is that ‘empty screen’ on which it projects and our mind keeps defining it. That is why the world is one but every person has his own world within it!

Most helpful meditation in my journey is awareness meditation. Link :



Sandeep Kumar Verma
Sandeep Kumar Verma

Written by Sandeep Kumar Verma

Spiritual seeker conveying own experiences. Ego is only an absence, like darkness, bring in the lamp_awareness&BeA.LightUntoYourself.

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