We are holographic images of God.
We do not exist in reality. Jesus said that God created human being in his own images. A 3D wave coming from infinite to infinite got diffracted at some location and there emerges a visible hologram of a person or thing in space. In a person God leaves his footprints too in his/her heart, so that through them one can understand the true reality. Through meditation we can try to develop ability to reach to those footprints and recognise them too.
Upanishad says ‘तत्त त्वम असि’ means ‘You are that’. Then they means that you are that 3D wave in space time, just visible because of diffraction. Since you got involved with other diffracted similar objects that is why you have forgotten your true nature. The moment you get enlightened this realisation happens immediately. That this is the case already but why I was missing it till date?
Nirvana means deep continuous realisation 24x7 that I am that 3D wave only, this diffracted image is just cyclic in nature and it will stop forever after death of this body/image. The reason for diffraction is our desires of enjoying this diffracted world more and more till death.
Upanishad says ‘तत्त त्वम असि’ means ‘You are that’. Then they means that you are that 3D wave in space time, just visible because of diffraction. Since you got involved with other diffracted similar objects that is why you have forgotten your true nature. The moment you get enlightened this realisation happens immediately. That this is the case already but why I was missing it till date?
Nirvana means deep continuous realisation 24x7 that I am that 3D wave only, this diffracted image is just cyclic in nature and it will stop forever after death of this body/image. The reason for diffraction is our desires of enjoying this diffracted world more and more till death.
An enlightened person is like a quantum state, said Osho. So to elaborate with respect to this 3D wave metaphor, I can say that an enlightened person can switch between his true reality as 3D wave and his body, a particle like, at will to guide people towards their ultimate destiny.
A couplet by a mystic is best to quote here:
माखी गुड़ में गड़ी रहे, पंख लिए लपटाय। सिर धुने और पाँव धुने, तृष्णा (लालच) बुरी बलाय॥
Means: A human being enjoying material world is like a fly eating jaggery in rainy season.
It’s legs and wings got struck in jaggery leading its death in trying to take its wings out. These wings helps it to fly and enjoy freedom. These wings are used as a metaphor for mind of a human being. While enjoying the worldly pleasures the mind gets struck so much in them and desires so that people spent most of their energy in controlling the uncontrollable and then meditation becomes impossible at fag end of life ie death. When it can help one to attain ultimate destiny and set him free from cycle of death and birth again and again.
This is the reason God keep giving us opportunity to enjoy this 3D diffracted world again and again.With meditation a situation can only be created like an artist or musician where mind comes to a no-mind state for few seconds initially.