You are a good mom. I am proud of you and your upbringing.
In life we come alone, and upon death leaves this world alone.
This world is a grand existential drama and it is so grand that wherever you go you will find it running 24x7. All characters have to take birth in it and all are going to die while the drama continues. Even the birth and death become an event of drama!
The other major difference is that in normal drama we know we are only playing our role, and internally we remain separate from our role.
But in this grand drama we get involved with our character so much so that we start treating ourself as per our role!
Life’s lesson that I have learned from my awareness meditation practice during an act of routine like brushing, but kept practicing it for 35 years, and that changed my life completely so that I could open day understood ‘who I am is my role only.’
I am separate from my role, I am my consciousness and upon sleeping at night the consciousness separates from body with a click like change of gear and only body takes the rest. Consciousness is eternally constant so it does not requires rest, it is infinite and eternal.
At the level of consciousness all are connected. A daughter is much more connected to her mother!
You are a daredevil mother, and that frightens the society. Russian dancer Nijinsky was such person and her own wife and her mother forcedly sent him to mental hospital. For six months he resisted but after that he realised that people inside are more sane than those outside! So he enjoyed that place so much so that he lived there for 30 years. A sane doctor advised him to remain silent and no harm will be done to him, so he remained silent for 30 years, and when he died his face was glowing like a saint. And that made him most popular person after his death! See the insanity of world outside a madhouse. They could not bear a lively saint! So I suggest you to take care of yourself, and grow your consciousness. That will sure send a ripple to your daughter and many more daughters too! There was a awakened mystic in Tibet known as Tara or Green Tara, she promised that whoever will move on the path to rediscover lost connection with consciousness, as we all have lived that state in neo natal age, then she will make herself available to them for sure. She helped me too! There are some posts on my blog on medium that may be of great help to you. 1) We just need to factory reset ourself 2) We are like fibre optic cable 3) Conditioning and psychology 4) Kundalini awakening possible for woman. Rest you will discover what is right for you in that. With my infinite best wishes. If existence has made you alone then I am sure you are going to become successful in your inner journey too. It is because similar is my journey too. Somehow I got separated from my kids and all family members in 2013 and then I left job too, but the meditation practice that I was doing since 1990 helped me to move alone inward. Rest is history.
So I suggest to try awareness meditation