You are free to decide how you wish to live. In life I suggest you to remain open till the time is ripe to take any decisions. It means if you are not married yet, then there is no need to decide about raising a kid as father. Mind is such a terrible enemy that it creates fictitious situations to let us get indulged and remain indulged with it too!
Try to understand that you cannot control events that happened in the past and that are going to happen in the future.
What is always in your hand is this present 🎁, this precious present moment and we need not have to waste it by indulging in past or future because that is the way to miss it moment to moment. Instead go outside watch nature, listen to sing of the birds, watch the trees dancing in the ‘Now’. Such acts bring you near to your centre and far away from mind. Your no-mind is your centre of being.
All such acts of enjoying nature helps you bring near your centre or in present moment. Nature always keeps enjoying the moment ‘here and now’.
Hope few of my posts may be of great help to you.