You plus God is majority.

How it is possible that we know this very well still there is fear in our life?

Sandeep Kumar Verma
4 min readAug 22, 2020

In my opinion and it is based on my experience that whenever we feel fear, our mind is at work. So actually the fear exist in our mind!

It is tendency of our mind to fluctuate between two opposites ie positive and negative aspect of any thing.

Like past and future, good and bad and win and loose etc.

Fear exist because it fluctuates between powerful and weak in that moment. We find ourselves weak, the other as powerful so the fear exists to define both at same time.

Same is when we appear in or face any competition or such situations.

Now it is better to define God or no-God ie self of a person.

Many people believe that nature is God. This is nearest possible definition of God because it includes both theist and atheist as human being is also a most important part of nature.

Still it is not correct definition because we see things in nature around us keeps changing but still we think or take them as fixed. I used to stand below a mango tree to wait for my daily commute to office. So not only I am thinking that I am going to remain tomorrow but that tree will remain there too, when I promise someone to meet below it next day.

God is defined by sages as infinite, constant for eternity.

We know that nothing is constant but change. So this activity that keeps everything changing like flow of river is what God can be defined as. So God is constant as a change in daily life of everything. So all that is changing in whole infinite cosmos is God. So it becomes infinite too.

No one knows exactly when this existence started and no one knows when it is going to end, so this constantly changing infinite cosmos becomes eternal too.

Since it is present from eternity and going to remain in present for eternity too.

We are born as a human being on this planet Earth. Our lifespan in comparison to eternity is like that of soap bubble, as a child we all used to play with. It’s not bursting is celebrated, and birthday celebrations are similar to it. It’s bursting is treated as normal!!

Indian mystic Kabir said :

जैसे पानी का बुलबुला, ऐसी मनुष्य की जात।

देखते देखते ही बुझ जाए, ज्यों तारा प्रभात/परभात॥

Just like the morning star or soap bubble human being’s life is same as compared to eternity.

Now the prominent question is:

How then God can accompany a human being, or how a person seek shelter or support of God, for becoming majority among living being.

Here it is important that God too wish to become majority and through human being only it is possible. God needs to correct course of life according to his plan whenever people goes astray.

Like Jesus went on in search of the sheep that went astray. and brought the sheep back carrying in his hands.

So definitely God needs human beings too, only to bring back peoples in a polite and caring way.

Now God seeking people and people seeking God but both are not meeting!


Because person uses mind and it keeps the person busy in duality or dichotomy, while God is always in present moment. People go on missing the present moment, God go on missing people.

Through meditation a person can learn to remain in no-mind state ie present moment.

Now by God’s grace it may happen that while you are practicing meditation, specially awareness meditation, you also attain egoless state simultaneously.

In that state you are able to actually see your ‘self’ or ‘soul’ or ‘God’ or consciousness etc etc.

Once you have seen then you are not the same person as before, because you have seen a glimpse of the infinite, constant and eternal mystics called it Emptiness or Existence or Tao etc. You have experienced timelessness within the framework of time, which in itself is a miracle. Call it passing if a Camel ie infinite existence, from the hole of a needle ie your eyes. It happens only and any effort on your side is just useless so it’s other name is God’s grace.

Now you are able to remain in present moment as per your choice of time, place and person.

So when you feel fear, just remain in present moment and stop your mind or invoke meditative state, and now God is with you. He was looking for someone who is in present moment, and he found you and now just leave yourself and let God act through you.

You may feel later on that what you did is simply impossible for you, but actually it is true. God functioned through you and made it possible for you. Call it miracle, but it happens only if you are able to receive God’s grace.

Only in your hand is practice of meditation and leave yourself in his hands, with trust. It is still happening and this planet never remained empty from such people.



Sandeep Kumar Verma
Sandeep Kumar Verma

Written by Sandeep Kumar Verma

Spiritual seeker conveying own experiences. Ego is only an absence, like darkness, bring in the lamp_awareness&BeA.LightUntoYourself.

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