Christmas Tree and the message i derived from it | Philosia: The Art of seeing all

Sandeep Kumar Verma
6 min readDec 23, 2024


I have updated this post to include significance of Christian religion please visit updated post ‘Christmas Tree- The message i derive from it’.
Christmas brings great celebration in our life. For me this is important because for the first time in history of this planet a person born in lower section of the society got awakened and successfully conveyed his message to the people too.

When Buddha was alive he tried his best to convey the spiritual message to common people in their language so that people belonging to lower sections of the society too get awakened to their ultimate potential by discovering the truth or light within.

His only known success in this endeavour was Angulimal. He was very angry with the society so he took vow of cutting heads of thousand people. It was informed to Buddha that now a days his garland made of fingers of those to whom he killed consists of 999 fingers and he is so mad in search of the last living man that his own mother stopped visiting him.

Buddha says that in that case it is more important for me to meet him, because he is in dire need of peace. So he went towards the forest where Angulimal was hiding.

When Angulimal has seen Buddha coming towards him, he got frighted for the first time! Buddha was walking towards him with such a peaceful gesture that he has never seen before.

Angulimal shouted and warned him of dire consequences of further moving towards him.

Buddha smiled and said I have stopped moving a long time before, but I can see you are running.

Angulimal said I am sitting here, I am not running. What does you mean by it?

Buddha said, for that you need to do something for me. Can you please cut a branch of tree for me?

Angulimal stood up and with one stroke of his sword a branch was cut and fell on the ground.

Buddha smiled and said now please restore this branch with the tree.
Angulimal said, it is impossible to restore the branch which is once cut from the tree.

Buddha says, every human being is like tree except this difference that we can restore any branch of it that is once cut from it. And once a person discovers the light within his mind stops running and then he is able to restore his inner tree of all the damages done to it in the process of discovering the light within.

So in case of human being if his mind is engaged due to constantly running thoughts he is said to be running and such people lives in dream stare. While the one whose mind has stopped has actually stopped moving and only such people are said to be living human life in awakened state.

So killing 1000 people is not a great job but being able to restore the tree within is the really great job and I can help you to get it done because you are a courageous man. Once you have discovered light within then all your sin will get cured. If one sin is treated as cutting a branch of a tree, then all 999 branches of your inner tree will get restored immediately upon discovering the light within. Such is the grace, compassion and love of that light.

Angulimal became his disciple and then Buddha told him to go to the village, whose 999 residents were killed by him.
Angulimal went there fearlessly. Initially people got frightened but when they discovered that he is not causing any harm then they started hurling stone on him.

Buddha was informed about the treatment people gave to Angulimal and his critical state. Buddha rushed towards him and took his head in his lap. Buddha asked him, what were you thinking when people were hurling stone at you?

Angulimal said, I took it as a dream and died with a smile on his face.

Buddha says, Angulimal died as awakened being.

So in known history of this planet Angulimal was first person from lower sections of the society to get awakened, but he could not survive to give his message to the people. Jesus did the job after around 500 years!
Such slow is the speed of truth.

So through Christmas tree a situation is created to convey a profound message to all human being that all human beings are like a normal tree, if they have not discovered a twinkling light within. Once they have discovered it they become a Christmas tree ie a tree with a Star ⭐️ on it, which can fulfil all the wishes.

In Quran also there is a verse describing the similar message. This verse is written on the inner side of great Mosque of Hagia Sofia in Istanbul, Türkiye. It says that inside every human being there is tree and it is neither in the east nor on the west. There is a twinkling light like star on it and it needs no fuel to lit. Now Hagia Sofia is not used for prayer because earlier it was a renowned Christian monestry. It is now a used as a common religious place by both Christians and Muslims.

Historic significance of Hagia Sofia in growth of human consciousness or truth beyond East is beyond any comparison. If you like to know more about it please read my post ‘Truth works in a miraculous way’.

We now know that our heart produces electricity and these verses are describing that this fluctuating light like star is within our heart. It means we can discover this light through heart and not through mind. God has given his footprints in our heart and only through it we can connect with him. If we are unable to connect with him then we are just like a normal tree or as George Gurdjief says just fruits and vegetables. He says that we need to discover our soul or light to be able to live like a real human being on this planet.

Although this metaphor was available in Buddhism prior to Christianity and also in Islam ie after Christianity. The beauty of Christian religion is that they not only recognised this metaphor as very way of conveying profound message but they converted it into a simple ritual that everyone in their religion could follow. Not only that but they kept on creating stores of Santa, Smowman and now Elf, through book ‘Elf on the shelf’, that over time it became popular among all religions. And people of all religions started decorating Christmas tree in their homes!

Awareness meditation is the method described by Buddha to create a situation to connect us with our heart or disconnect us from our mind. Practising Meditation is like sowing a seed inside is that will grow into a tree within us over time. And through that only we could discover light within.

My suggestions:-

Awareness Meditation is the way worked for me and I tried it first during brushing my teeth in the morning after trying 8–10 meditations over period of 15 years! So there is no need to reinvent the circle for you. May be you too find it suitable otherwise with Dynamic meditation and/or Kundalini in the evening it is suitable for most of the people. There are 110 other meditation techniques discovered by Indian Mystic Gorakhnath about 500years before and further modified by Osho for contemporary people that one can experiment and the suitable one could be practiced in routine life.

Hi ….. I write my comments from my personal experiences of my inner journey. This post may include teachings of Mystics around the world which from my personal experience I found worth following even today. For more have a look at my linktree website for getting regular updates through social media lor subscribe to YouTube channel or listen to the podcasts etc.

For references of content on Osho, Copyright © OSHO International Foundation, An MP3 audio file of this discourse can be downloaded from Osho(dot)com or you can listen or watch his discourses @ OSHO International channel of YouTube where you can get subtitles in language of your choice or you can read the entire book online at the Osho Library. Many of Osho’s books are available online at Amazon.

My suggestions:-

Osho International Online (OIO) provides facility to learn these from your home, through Osho Meditation Day @€20.00 per person. You can learn Dynamic meditations from disciples of Osho. OIO rotate times through three timezones NY,Berlin and Mumbai.

Originally published at on December 23, 2024.



Sandeep Kumar Verma
Sandeep Kumar Verma

Written by Sandeep Kumar Verma

Spiritual seeker conveying own experiences. Ego is only an absence, like darkness, bring in the lamp_awareness&BeA.LightUntoYourself.

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